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When will I receive my order?
  Orders are typically processed within a few days of your order, and shipped immediately.
Most often, you will receive your product within a week of placing your order.
If rush shipping is required, please send an email to [email protected] to arrange for
additional shipping cost payment and coordination of rush turnaround time.

Can I include a personalized card with my order?
  Yes, simply type your message in the "Gift Message" field.
We will print your message on a card and include it with your order.

Can I place one order with multiple items and have them shipped to different addresses?
  No, unfortunately you will have to place a separate order for each "Ship To" address.
How do I track my order?
  Orders are usually processed within a couple of days of receipt.
Once the order is shipped, you will receive an email with a USPS tracking number.